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  • How To Extend Wifi Range With Another Router Without Cable

How To Extend Wifi Range With Another Router Without Cable

Last update: 2024-10-12

There are several reasons for poor wifi coverage, which you are looking forward to fixing.

Poor planning — It's possible that you created a WiFi network without a proper plan, which leads to poor coverage and can negatively impact your users. All users need access to a strong WiFi signal for your network to work successfully. We'll take a look at how a WiFi tool like NetSpot can help alleviate this type of problem.

New requirements — This issue can arise in business environments where additional space is used to accommodate new employees. Despite your previous best efforts at correctly sizing your WiFi network, you may now face the problem of finding a way to extend your WiFi range to accommodate new users.

Insufficient signal — You may experience this problem whether the WiFi network is used for business or simply for home use. You may have problems connecting to WiFi from certain rooms in your house. Customers taking advantage of the free WiFi offered by your coffee shop may need to avoid certain areas of your establishment.

When faced with the need to extend the range of your WiFi network, there are several options you can choose from. Some options are simple and do not involve the purchase of any additional equipment. In other cases, you may need to make a financial investment to provide the WiFi range your users require.

Here are some ways to extend WiFi range on the same Internet connection without the cost of hiring technicians or upgrading network packages to help increase coverage, ensure broadcast speed and enhance the experience, usage experience.

How To Extend Wifi Range With Another Router Without Cable

1. Find a right location for your router

Even the best WiFi router available cannot provide satisfactory coverage if it is placed in a poor location. As you probably know, WiFi signals are affected by all kinds of interference, including walls, furniture, electronic devices and other wireless devices. While it may seem convenient to hide your router inside a cabinet, your signal strength will suffer significantly.

Just finding a new location for your wireless router can have a significant impact on your WiFi signal for a variety of reasons. You should try to get a central location free of obstructions such as walls and doors if possible. Don't leave your router in a closet or desk drawer if you want to realize its true potential signal range.

Try to place it as high as possible, having visibility to all the devices that will be connected to it. While this is not always possible, getting as close to this goal as possible will help you extend the coverage of your WiFi router.

You can easily find a better location for your router to extend WiFi range with a WiFi analyzer and heat map tool like NetSpot. With this useful software application you can visualize your wireless signal strength on a map and easily see all weak signal areas.

2. Update the router's firmware

Keeping your device's firmware up to date can help you get the best WiFi signal your router can provide. Just like computers and smartphones, routers receive updates from their manufacturers, and it's important that you install them as soon as possible to keep your router safe and working. Good.

There are different methods used to update your firmware. The good news is that most routers make the update process easy, and you can do it directly from the admin interface. Some routers even have companion apps for Android and iOS mobile devices, allowing you to manage firmware updates with a simple tap.

Some routers have the ability to automatically update the firmware. If your router falls into that category, you should take advantage of automatic updates. Even if the update doesn't solve your problem with insufficient WiFi coverage, you can at least be satisfied knowing that your router is more secure.

3. Use the 5 GHz band

The dual-frequency router gives you a choice of 5.0GHz and 2.4GHz bands. You may find that switching to the 5.0GHz band will improve your WiFi range as this band will be less susceptible to interference from other electronic devices since this frequency is less commonly used.

Because of the higher frequency, the 5 GHz band can provide superior speeds and in some cases, better signal strength. Its biggest downside is its shorter range and poorer penetration of solid objects.

However, if you live in a densely populated area, surrounded by WiFi networks broadcasting on the 2.4 GHz band, the 5 GHz band is an easy choice.

To learn about nearby WiFi networks and bands, you can use NetSpot's Discovery Mode, which quickly gathers loads of information about all the WiFi networks in the network. reach and presented in the form of an interactive whiteboard.

4. Change your WiFi channel

All WiFi routers are broadcast on a certain channel. In the 2.4 GHz band, there are 11 channels, but only channels 1, 6, and 11 are spaced far enough apart to not overlap.

The remaining channels can be used, but they are more likely to suffer from slow interference, especially when used heavily, so it is important to use the least congested non-overlapping channel available in the 2.4 GHz band.

Fortunately, there are more channels available in the 5 GHz (45 channels) and 6 GHz bands (seven 160 MHz channels, fourteen 80 MHz channels, twenty-nine 40 MHz channels, and fifty-nine 20 MHz channels). As a result, problems of their overlap are much less common.

In any case, a WiFi analyzer like NetSpot can survey your own network as well as other networks that have duplicate signals with yours and make it easy to determine which channel you should use.

Once you know which channel is most suitable, you can log in to your router's admin interface and configure it to use it. Your router will then reboot to apply the new settings.

5. Buy a better antenna

If you have a router with a replaceable external antenna, you can easily improve its performance by purchasing a better router. WiFi antenna gain is expressed in dBi (antenna gain in dB over an isotropic radiator). Many budget routers come with a small antenna of just 2 dBi, and replacing that antenna with a high-gain alternative is guaranteed to yield a significant increase in WiFi range.

To reinforce a particular weak signal area, you can point the antenna directional in that direction, but you should be aware that other directions may be affected. This means that most router antennas tend to be omnidirectional.

Want to extend WiFi range with another router, how do we need to?

If you've exhausted the free methods to extend your WiFi range to no avail, it might be time to consider buying some additional devices to improve your WiFi coverage. There are some options for you that can take.

Before you buy another router and set it up, we strongly recommend that you test your WiFi coverage with NetSpot so that you have reliable data that you can use to determine whether the changes you made produce the desired results.

Want to extend WiFi range with another router by cable, what do you need to do?

Currently, if your router has a free Ethernet port, you can simply connect another router to it with an Ethernet cable, placing the new router in any location you want. Since the maximum recommended length for Cat5e cable is about 100 meters, you can position your new router anywhere you want.

Since your current router is almost guaranteed to support and use DHCP, a network management protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to each device on the network, you should only need to connect a new router to that router and use that router as access.

You're essentially using a second router to capture the WiFi signal and push it to previously inaccessible places in your home or office.

Connecting two routers with an Ethernet cable can be laborious — not to mention that a high-quality Ethernet cable doesn't come cheap. With some performance, you can extend WiFi range with another router without cables by setting up the new router as a wireless repeater.

The job of a wireless repeater is simple: replay the signal from your main router. Unfortunately, not all WiFi routers can act as repeaters, so do your research and choose one that can. Alternatively, you can replace the original firmware with DD-WRT, an alternative router firmware with many useful features.


Above are some ways to help the waves stay healthy regardless of day or night. Hopefully, through this article, you can choose the right method for the network space you want to renovate.

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